Python project

Read the header to check the file type

What are File Headers? (Signatures)

A file header is a "signature" placed at the beginning of a file, so the operating system and other software know what to do with the following contents. Part of the header information is a sequence of bytes or numbers that specifies the file’s type. The common fear is if a custodian changes a files extension or the file wasn’t named using an applications default naming convention. A cybercriminal may, for instance, leave out .exe when he saves an incriminating Windows Media Audio/Video file.

This tool examines file header information to identify files with incorrect file extensions.

How to use this?

If you receive a link or a file from someone and don't know if this file may be harmful for your computer, simply paste the link into the left field or click the right button and choose the local file, then let it run with "Get file".

This tool can scan files in an url path also, for example a collection list Index of something on a website then type like this: into url field. Wanna scan many files on local disk? No problem, using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A for all files in a folder or keep Ctrl and click on files which will be checked.

Status: do thing